Going Beyond Measure

“I believe that God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure,” Eric Liddell declared to his sister, when he had to choose between continuing to run competitively or returning to China as a missionary.

In the 1924 Olympic Games, Eric chose not to run his favourite 100-m race because the heat was conducted on Sunday. Doing so would have been against what he believed. Instead, he ran the 400-m race and won Olympic Gold for Great Britain.

“I believe that God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” ~ Eric Liddell, 1924

Check out the International Olympics Committee video footage of Eric’s win.

The Flying Scotsman takes gold and sets a new record – Eric Liddell – Paris 1924 Olympic Games


It was a good trip. Met the team based in another city. Spoke at a conference and connected with people. Flew back to be with my leadership team for a strategic planning workshop. Many full days follow.

Sometimes, they are too packed. Like having four Steering Committees in one day (never again!), then two interviews to fill two open positions in my team (necessary). Oh, and not to mention a few emails or phone calls with my son’s teachers, other personal appointments and full evenings sharing how the day has gone for the rest of the family. Then the week-end rolls in and that’s full, too. The mundane and the ordinary mixing with the deep and valuable, all part of the drumbeat of life. I am not complaining. What’s to complain of when life is full and meaningful?

I heard someone say we’re in a whirlwind of activity. But a whirlwind goes around and around in circles, going nowhere until its strength is dissipated. It’s purpose is destruction.

This is not a whirlwind. It is purposeful, fuelled by vision and hope. It is reaching out towards a better future, to achieve far more than we hope for. Unprecedented moves. Relentless pace, yes, but only for a time and always for a greater purpose.

This is not a whirlwind. This is going beyond measure. Running fast and being sure-footed. Going farther than one can imagine. Going for gold. Giving one’s best because that is what my life is about.

When I do my best, I feel God’s pleasure. When I do my best, I honour Him. When I do my best, it fills me with delight. So this is what I do. This is my vocation.

“Work willingly at whatever you do,
as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” ~ St Paul of Tarsus
Colossians 3:23
The Bible, New Living Translation

5 thoughts on “Going Beyond Measure

  1. Joyce, kumusta!

    Thank you for your latest post ‘Going Beyond Measure’.

    God is speaking to me through your post.

    … ‘This is not a whirlwind. This is going beyond measure. Running fast and being sure-footed. Going farther than one can imagine. Going for gold. Giving one’s best because that is what my life is about.

    When I do my best, I feel God’s pleasure. When I do my best, I honour Him. When I do my best, it fills me with delight. So this is what I do. This is my vocation.’

    Thank you for this.

    Much love,

    R & C


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